Monday, October 23, 2006


I just love verandahs. This one's my current favourite (from some travel magazine).

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Friday, October 20, 2006

The Day Before Holiday

It's affirmative, the day before the holiday is definitely cursed. Why? Everything seems to go wrong during this time. My workmate's printer and mine, went kaput all of a sudden and the darned phone hasn't stopped ringing since I stepped into the office this morning. Why oh why today of all days? "Alamakk.. die la camni' Fixing the malfunctioned equipment and answering calls took precious time and disturbed my mental to-do list. By this hour, this very minute, I am already dead beat tired and a holiday is what I really need :))

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Very First Blog

Can't believe that I've finally decided to open my very own blog site.