These past few days, I have suddenly immersed myself surfing sewing related websites particularly netizens’ blogs. Fantastic! So many ladies sewing out there somewhere and it is wonderful that they are sharing their wonderful work with everyone. Alviana’s site in particular got me thinking back to all the garments that I have sewn for people in the past. There were so many and I didn’t keep a record on them. Thank goodness for Blog (thank you, thank you whoever you are). Now I can post all my sewing work and stuffs from now onwards.
Here’s my first bridesmaid dresses. Vera, the bride chose the colour which is light blue. I was not really thrilled with the colour choice because it was quite pale but I did try to make them pretty by adding subtle bling. Mind you the head of the church was quite an orthodox priest so everything has to be proper.

Okay, I’m off to continue with my iron lady mental brainxercise i.e. my thoughts running here and there without anything getting done. ~ o_O ..... ^_^ heee..