Recently I have been adding some nice artists people that I don't quite know in my friends list. By adding them, I can infiltrate their site and check-out their paintings and sketches heheh... ^_^ I just love looking at their work; they make me feel happy and amused. Talented people - wish I was one of them.
When I was in primary school, my classmates begged me to draw an image of a mermaid just because I drew one and brought to class one fine day. Papers were suddenly torn off from their exercise books and piled in front of me to be taken home and was expected to be brought back again to them with the mermaid the next day. Hahaha.. maybe that was the first time I felt deadline pressure. Thankfully, my late mom ignored all the 'pretty ladies' I drew in all the back of my school books. I guess she understood my interest.
Anyway, my prime subject of interest back then (and still are) people, specifically females. Brooke Sheilds was my first portrait sketch when I was maybe 17 years old. Wish I still have it with me but it was lost when we moved. Then a portrait of Cleopatra through my imagination which my sister told me looked a lot like me hehe.
I stopped sketching since I started working. I guess I was too busy with work and couldn't find anything that could inspire me to sketch. Now, looking at these wonderful artists' portrait sketches, made me remembered that I use to love sketching too. Here are a few of my sketches when I was studying at MARA Institute of Technology in 1991. I sketched two of my classmates which I found to have very interesting features:
The singer Miss Venitha
The lovely Miss Khatijah
I didn't realized that Khatijah had typed a message for me at the back of the photocopied sketch that I kept until recently when I decided to scan these sketches and put in my blog. The originals are with them. Her message:
Apparently the sketch meant a lot to her.
Here is a sketch of my ex-housemate, Mrs Heneritta when she was still single. Hmm... wonder how many kids she has now. I don't think I would recognize her if I ever saw her again because she would probably wear a 'tudung' since she converted Islam. But, then again I would because of those lips ^_^