Another 350ml of blood donated this time for Hospital Likas on 15th April 2011. The first time I donated blood was for Queen Elizabeth Hospital blood bank on 1st July 2009. Yep, I keep track in case they ask me. Looks like I've lost fear of needles. Maybe because I've gotten used to being stabbed by my sewing needles hahahaha.. Actually, the nurse who pierced my left arm was good at it. I didn't feel anything but a little pinch like an ant's bite. Could she be using local anesthetic? Probably. The location was a shopping centre and I don't think they would want their donors to scream heheh. I managed a glimpse at the big needle they were using and the streaming blood flowing from my arm yaiks...
I always thought that blood was needed for women giving birth and surgeries but the officer who was in-charge of the blood bank informed me that Thalassemia patients needed blood transfusions daily. Oh my God... that's terrible. What kinda quality of life can one have if they have to constantly undergo blood transfusion? I feel really sad for them. Makes me wish that I can donate more.
My friends are scared of donating blood. I was such a show-off after heheh just trying to encourage them to do it. But I guess your heart and mind must be open to it. In other words, you have to be sincere. Afterall, your body is your home :)
I don't remember having this much bruising last year. But thankfully after 9 days, it's healed and no more visible discoloration.