Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Papa's 2D/1N Fireflies Trip to Kuala Selangor
Hmm.. bestnya kalau dapat join papa gi tengok kelip-kelip kat Kuala Selangor. Tengok gambar ni, cantik betul.
Monday, February 26, 2007
God Bless the Man I love
"Papa pun...kan bagus kalau papa ada ngan mama time camni...time mama sedang blaja kenal sesuatu yang baru dalam hidup mama...." 12:00am, 27 Feb 2007.
These words are to me.. (who has lived for so long as a single, independent child-woman-tomboy-never want-to-grow-up person), are the MOST BEAUTIFUL and MEANINGFUL and THOUGHTFUL words from a man. And I feel really blessed to be loved by him :)
These words are to me.. (who has lived for so long as a single, independent child-woman-tomboy-never want-to-grow-up person), are the MOST BEAUTIFUL and MEANINGFUL and THOUGHTFUL words from a man. And I feel really blessed to be loved by him :)
Level 2 - Completed
Thursday, February 22, 2007
How to Make a Million Ringgit (..well at least almost :p)
"If you wait to save out of what's left over from your salary, it's not going to happen. Pay yourself first."
- Neil McCarthy, Millionaire Investor.
- Neil McCarthy, Millionaire Investor.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Selamat Hari Berkasih Sayang :-)
Building A Lifelong Love Affair
by T. W. Winslow
Recently I received a letter from a young man who had been married only a few years. He was seeking advice for what to do with a marriage which had seemingly lost the spark and excitement it once had. He was finding his marriage dull and routine, and was looking for an excuse to seek fulfillment elsewhere. This young man's dilemma is certainly not unique. Just look at the staggering divorce rates in this country if you don't believe me. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem.
My advice to this young man was the same as it is for all others experiencing similar difficulties in their relationships. Relationships are like anything else, the more time and effort we put into them, the more successful they will be. If our marriages and other relationships seem unsatisfying, we must first look at what we are putting into these relationships, rather than what we're getting out of them. We can't expect more from a relationship than we're willing to put into it.
When we're first courting, our infatuation with the other person leads us to be romantic and prone to outward signs of affection. We write love letters, spend hours talking about our deepest feelings and thoughts, we hold hands in public, and say sweet things for no reason, etc. Unfortunately, as the relationship continues and we begin to focus more on other things and less on our partner, the relationship loses its initial spark and we begin to feel a loss of love, intimacy and excitement. This doesn't mean our love is fading or the relationship has less to offer, it simply means we've forgotten to keep the love alive.
We all can recapture the excitement, love, and intimacy our relationships once had, and without a major overhaul. Simply putting forth a little effort each day can make all the difference in the world. When was the last time you woke up, turned to your partner and told them you loved them? Or called them at the office for no other reason than to say you missed them? If you need ideas, just think back to the things you did when you were first dating. It won't take long for your partner to notice your renewed affection, and suddenly you'll find them returning these gestures of love. Soon the relationship you once questioned will have taken on a whole new sense of fulfillment, love, and intimacy.
We all can have a lifelong love affair with our partners, we simply need to remember to put into the relationship what we want out of it.
by T. W. Winslow
Recently I received a letter from a young man who had been married only a few years. He was seeking advice for what to do with a marriage which had seemingly lost the spark and excitement it once had. He was finding his marriage dull and routine, and was looking for an excuse to seek fulfillment elsewhere. This young man's dilemma is certainly not unique. Just look at the staggering divorce rates in this country if you don't believe me. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem.
My advice to this young man was the same as it is for all others experiencing similar difficulties in their relationships. Relationships are like anything else, the more time and effort we put into them, the more successful they will be. If our marriages and other relationships seem unsatisfying, we must first look at what we are putting into these relationships, rather than what we're getting out of them. We can't expect more from a relationship than we're willing to put into it.
When we're first courting, our infatuation with the other person leads us to be romantic and prone to outward signs of affection. We write love letters, spend hours talking about our deepest feelings and thoughts, we hold hands in public, and say sweet things for no reason, etc. Unfortunately, as the relationship continues and we begin to focus more on other things and less on our partner, the relationship loses its initial spark and we begin to feel a loss of love, intimacy and excitement. This doesn't mean our love is fading or the relationship has less to offer, it simply means we've forgotten to keep the love alive.
We all can recapture the excitement, love, and intimacy our relationships once had, and without a major overhaul. Simply putting forth a little effort each day can make all the difference in the world. When was the last time you woke up, turned to your partner and told them you loved them? Or called them at the office for no other reason than to say you missed them? If you need ideas, just think back to the things you did when you were first dating. It won't take long for your partner to notice your renewed affection, and suddenly you'll find them returning these gestures of love. Soon the relationship you once questioned will have taken on a whole new sense of fulfillment, love, and intimacy.
We all can have a lifelong love affair with our partners, we simply need to remember to put into the relationship what we want out of it.
Pagi Yang Mengelirukan...
6.45 am....Tepon wat ‘wake-up’ call. No answer.
................Call again – No answer gak.
7.00 am....Call again. Terus masuk mesej.
7.30 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
8.20 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
10:44am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:27am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:36am....Baru dapat phone call.
................Call again – No answer gak.
7.00 am....Call again. Terus masuk mesej.
7.30 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
8.20 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
10:44am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:27am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:36am....Baru dapat phone call.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Our Little MySpace "Battle"
Emperor Papa:
Wants to occupy Empress Mama’s MySpace because he believes that the two countries should unite.
Empress Mama:
Thinks that Emperor Papa doesn’t trust Empress Mama as the ruler of Myspace Empire.
Wants to occupy Empress Mama’s MySpace because he believes that the two countries should unite.
Empress Mama:
Thinks that Emperor Papa doesn’t trust Empress Mama as the ruler of Myspace Empire.

Friday, February 09, 2007
Belajar Memandu
Waa… cantiknya hari ini. Teringin merasa kehangatan matahari pada kulit Nia yang sekarang sedang didakap air-con sejuk dalam pejabat. Waa.. bestnya kalau dapat bersiar-siar kat luar pagi ni.
Arini tak dapat mesej dari orang yang tersayang. Sebabnya, handphong terkunci dalam loker :P Hehehe… rasa lucu lak Nia ‘imagine’ handphone tu mogok dan kurung diri dalam loker. (Takpa la sayang, unexpected things happen. So, nampaknya weekend mama akan jadi sepi tanpa mesej papa).
Tadi dah confirm dengan Mr Harry tempat dan masa untuk jemput Nia ngan Gracy. Dah tiba masanya blaja memandu keta. That’s my goal for this year. Actually it’s good to have a goal for every year so that year would not pass without any significance. Anyway, would you believe kos blaja keta skang dah sampai RM 1,080.00?? Incredible right? My old friend kata dulu dia cuma spend RM 450.00. Hmm... kalau tunggu lagi, tak mampu la Nia :P.
The breakdown is:
RM 200.00 – Ceramah
RM 50.00 – Komputer
RM 210.00 – Bengkel
RM 45.00 – Lesen L
RM 280.00 – 8 Jam Belajar
RM 70.00 – Pra-ujian
RM 150.00 – Test JPJ
RM 75.00 – Lulus ‘P’
K la, time to go 'mansau ansau' (jalan-jalan). Have a good and blessed weekend :-)
Arini tak dapat mesej dari orang yang tersayang. Sebabnya, handphong terkunci dalam loker :P Hehehe… rasa lucu lak Nia ‘imagine’ handphone tu mogok dan kurung diri dalam loker. (Takpa la sayang, unexpected things happen. So, nampaknya weekend mama akan jadi sepi tanpa mesej papa).
Tadi dah confirm dengan Mr Harry tempat dan masa untuk jemput Nia ngan Gracy. Dah tiba masanya blaja memandu keta. That’s my goal for this year. Actually it’s good to have a goal for every year so that year would not pass without any significance. Anyway, would you believe kos blaja keta skang dah sampai RM 1,080.00?? Incredible right? My old friend kata dulu dia cuma spend RM 450.00. Hmm... kalau tunggu lagi, tak mampu la Nia :P.
The breakdown is:
RM 200.00 – Ceramah
RM 50.00 – Komputer
RM 210.00 – Bengkel
RM 45.00 – Lesen L
RM 280.00 – 8 Jam Belajar
RM 70.00 – Pra-ujian
RM 150.00 – Test JPJ
RM 75.00 – Lulus ‘P’
K la, time to go 'mansau ansau' (jalan-jalan). Have a good and blessed weekend :-)
Mama terbaca petua ni...
Penawar Resdung:
Petua yang paling mudah dan berkesan ialah dengan mengamalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung (seperti sebelum kita ber wuduk). Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan hembuskan sekuat hati. Buatlah berulang-ulang kali sehingga selesai kedua-duanya. Selepas itu basuhlah muka dengan bersih. Lakukan ini setiap kali setelah sampai ke satu-satu destinasi, baik ke pejabat, bersantai, beriadah atau pulang ke rumah malah ke mana saja. Kesannya sungguh menakjubkan.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Bila April - Fazley
Bila April tiba
Hati mula berkata
Setahun lamanya
Perkenalan kita
Ku tanya padamu
Kapankah hatimu
Akan ku miliki
Selama abadi
Di April yang itu
Kau katakan padaku
Sabarlah menanti
Takkan lama lagi
Kau senyum bermakna
Padaku kau pinta
Berikanlah oh waktu
Kenalilah dirimu
Bila bila April
Aku menantimu, aku menantimu
Dan bila April, bila April
Dapatku pastikan, cintaku ini
Dan bila, bila April
Bibirku pasti akan bertanya
Kapankah kau milik ku..
can't wait papa, Mmmuah! :)
Hati mula berkata
Setahun lamanya
Perkenalan kita
Ku tanya padamu
Kapankah hatimu
Akan ku miliki
Selama abadi
Di April yang itu
Kau katakan padaku
Sabarlah menanti
Takkan lama lagi
Kau senyum bermakna
Padaku kau pinta
Berikanlah oh waktu
Kenalilah dirimu
Bila bila April
Aku menantimu, aku menantimu
Dan bila April, bila April
Dapatku pastikan, cintaku ini
Dan bila, bila April
Bibirku pasti akan bertanya
Kapankah kau milik ku..
can't wait papa, Mmmuah! :)
Servis Keta
Pagi Khamis..
Kuar ngn adik nk gi servis keta. Singgah punch card @ opis jap.
Workshop keta dkt Petronas lum buka. Swing g bfast kt
kedai makan dkt Arkib.
Balik g workshop. Lepak tgok mekanik tukar oil filter (RM10) n
buang minyak itam. Masuk minyak baru (RM44), tuka aircon
filter yg baru (RM20), labour charge (RM10).
Suma = RM84.
Balik opis.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Loan, Hairs and Babies
So far this week…
My loan was rejected (shows how much the company loves me – Not!) Oh well...never mind I won’t sulk, it was a long shot anyway.
I finally summed up the nerve and had my hair cut shoulder length and straightened at Sister Scissors. Finally I am rid of my messy long hair. Cost me a bomb but considering my “frequency” to the hair salon, well, you can say that it’s worth it and I gave myself a pat on the shoulder for not succumbing to the words of the hair stylist in getting me to buy her expensive hair products.
Then, another desperate mother offered me to adopt her unborn baby.
Me:...... ‘Owh, sorry.. I didn’t realise that you’re pregnant. When’s the baby due?’
Lady:... ‘The baby is due in March. Would like to have it?’
Me:....... (In a state of bewilderment…)
Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to have one, I’m not yet married so I can't imagine myself raising a child alone. This was the second time I was offered a child by their mother. The first time was of a 3 year-old baby girl at a bus stop stand.
My loan was rejected (shows how much the company loves me – Not!) Oh well...never mind I won’t sulk, it was a long shot anyway.
I finally summed up the nerve and had my hair cut shoulder length and straightened at Sister Scissors. Finally I am rid of my messy long hair. Cost me a bomb but considering my “frequency” to the hair salon, well, you can say that it’s worth it and I gave myself a pat on the shoulder for not succumbing to the words of the hair stylist in getting me to buy her expensive hair products.
Then, another desperate mother offered me to adopt her unborn baby.
Me:...... ‘Owh, sorry.. I didn’t realise that you’re pregnant. When’s the baby due?’
Lady:... ‘The baby is due in March. Would like to have it?’
Me:....... (In a state of bewilderment…)
Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to have one, I’m not yet married so I can't imagine myself raising a child alone. This was the second time I was offered a child by their mother. The first time was of a 3 year-old baby girl at a bus stop stand.
I am saddened and feel for these mothers. They are not bad mothers. On the contrary, they are good mothers as their action showed that they do care about the future of their children. These mothers are uneducated and depended heavily on their husband as sole breadwinner. Unfortunately in order to please their husbands, they allowed themselves to be a ‘baby factory’ by not practising family planning. The frail woman has delivered eight babies and she is only in her 20’s.
I am pleased to write that I have found a suitable couple for the baby. Hope things go well and hopefully I won't regret not taking any of these adoption offers in future.
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