Baru sedar sudah 8 hari Papa kat kampung sejak balik ari Jumaat, 23 Mac 2007. Sian nenek Papa demam. Pas jumpa doktor baru dapat tau, nenek tu sakit demam denggi. Tapi nasib baik la bawa gi jumpa doktor, dapat kesan and dapat bagi ubat yang sesuai. Semalam dah kuar hospital. Maybe macam yang Papa cakap, antibodi orang lama dapat lawan sakit tu dgn baik.
Papa pun dari sebelum balik sudah sakit migrain. Ntah la, Mama cukup risau ngan sakit pala papa yang baru-baru ni macam kronik tul. Pastu sampai kampung, demam pla. Tapi nasib baik kat kampung at least ada mak Papa jaga. Kalau kt KL, ntah la macamana.
Time Mama tak dapat mesej Papa memang cukup risau. Boleh fikir yang macam-macam. Negatif+negatif+negatif... Tapi bila ingat Papa pernah cakap Mama slalu berfikiran (-), Mama buat-buat fikir benda lain :p.
Lusa Mama blaja driving lagi. Gracy tak jadi balik kampung sebab hubby dia lum balik dari outstation. Untuk malam ni dan besok, mama nak rehat cukup-cukup. Ok, here's a list of tv programs I like at the moment (in random order):
1. House Invaders (my most favourite)
2. Fashion House (citer gete, banyak scandal, lakonan tidak natural, tapi boleh la)
3. American Next Top Model
4. American Idol (suka tengok Blake, Sanjaya, Jordin, Christ and Melinda)
5. Meerkat Manor (...soooo cute hehehe)
6. AF5 (terpaksa tengok sebab ada Murni, kwn adik datang umah nak tengok AF5 ni saja :p)
7. CSI (kadang-kadang kalau bagus citer)
8. Most Haunted (I like a bit of a scare muahahahaha!)
9. Miami Animal Police (polis khas untuk protect animal rights - tabik! Miami)
10. Princess Hours (citer Korea budak-budak beringus hehe. Erm, tapi romantik)
Buat masa ni, asyik tengok tv ja. Jahit kain dah lama tinggal. Nak cuba buat aktiviti lain pla, maybe melukis ngan pensil. Nak cuba buat paparan kat blog ni. We'll see..
K, time to go Papa. My stomach dah berkeroncong. Mmmuah!! Love you.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wat Papa baca bila dah balik nanti.. :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Making Sense of Clutch, Brake and Oil Pedals :p
I’m still reeling with glee since Sunday hehehe :D It was the first time that I drove a car home from Khidmat Memandu Kinabalu (KMK) located in Jalan Mahandoi, Penampang, through Kolombong area, then Likas to my house. I think I passed about 5 traffic lights along the way. Woww.. Good job!
My steering control has improved nicely but I still need more work on the gears and pedals. I find stopping on top and starting to move downwards on a man-made hill a bit challenging. I still can’t get a good grasp on the clutch and oil pedals.
My steering control has improved nicely but I still need more work on the gears and pedals. I find stopping on top and starting to move downwards on a man-made hill a bit challenging. I still can’t get a good grasp on the clutch and oil pedals.
My boyfriend warned me that there's a difference between driving a real car and racing a car in an arcade game. Hehehe.. No wonder la I kept crashing the poor car – I keep on forgetting to step on the brake. My foot was rooted on the oil pedal like crazy :p Arcade games – Speed matters!
Anyway, it’s great that has a video that I can watch and learn during working days:
Anyway, it’s great that has a video that I can watch and learn during working days:
Cant's wait for the next driving lesson :)
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Definisi "Stupid Men" Untuk Hari Ini
Orang-orang lelaki yang tidak tahu menghargai teman wanita mereka. Membuat peraturan-peraturan yang perlu diikuti oleh teman wanita mereka tetapi mereka sendiri mengabaikannya. Ini yang dikatakan sebagai Double Standard (buat peraturan yang sendiri tidak ikut). Lepas itu, bila teman wanita mereka mengamuk, mereka terpaksa bersusah payah mencari alasan mengapa dan kenapa sedangkan perkara seumpama ini boleh dielak dengan mudah iaitu dengan mematuhi peraturan mereka sendiri.
Contoh peraturan: Beritahu mereka bila nak pergi pejabat, dah sampai pejabat ke belum, nak keluar makan, nak jalan-jalan dengan siapa, pukul berapa balik, jangan bermesej dengan orang lelaki lain, kena beri ciuman selamat pagi dan selamat malam dan sebagainya.
Contoh peraturan: Beritahu mereka bila nak pergi pejabat, dah sampai pejabat ke belum, nak keluar makan, nak jalan-jalan dengan siapa, pukul berapa balik, jangan bermesej dengan orang lelaki lain, kena beri ciuman selamat pagi dan selamat malam dan sebagainya.
"Suatu ketika dulu, dia menyatakan bahawa dia akan menjadi yang terbaik dalam hidup kita membuatkan kita mau menjadi yang terbaik untuk dia. Tapi mungkin dia telah melupai janjinya itu."
“Dah sedih mestilah teman wanita mengamuk dan merajuk sebab kalau takda reaksi langsung, sok lusah dah dengan orang lain. Dah terhantuk baru terngadah. Fikir-fikirkan lah."
“Dah sedih mestilah teman wanita mengamuk dan merajuk sebab kalau takda reaksi langsung, sok lusah dah dengan orang lain. Dah terhantuk baru terngadah. Fikir-fikirkan lah."
Monday, March 19, 2007
Mel's Birthday Celebration: Sat, 17 March 2007
How come this time they let us (my sister Mar and I) broke our reigning "Always One Hour Late" record? Hehehe.. they've purposely lead us to believe that the birthday party would start promptly at 7.30 pm at Moretune (karaoke pub). But to our dismay, they arrived an hour and a half later :p.
I certainly will never recommend eating dinner at that place. My hope of enjoying a delicious dinner in such a place was dashed. "Lamb with Spring Onion" was tasteless. What the..? Did the chef forgotten to add salt? And the lamb meat, probably have been stored for so long cause I almost puke. It tasted decay. The rice? I guess it was scooped from the bottom of the rice cooker.
Akedemi Fantasia Season 5 was on. They have quite a number of tellys so we can watch the nearest to our table. It was the students’ first performance on stage and I will not comment at this time.
After dinner and AF5, my friends were all fired-up to start the karaoke singing sessions specially my sister. Hehe..don't tell her but I do admire her singing a lot. When she sings, everyone paid attention.
Anyway, at exactly 12 midnight, the DJ announced Mel's birthday and everyone sang and wished her happy birthday. She was quite happy but I was a conscious of the stares coming from around the pub. Soon after, our cozy little feminine group was interrupted by this one 'merry, USS cap wearing and bespectacled chap'. He came to our table, introduced himself as Julius, made a toast to our Mel, and the rounds kept coming and coming. Aiyaa.. poor Mel, she had to finish all the drinks that this man gave her.
Fortunately, we attempted and succeeded in leaving the pub. We had to stop at a coffee corner for a drink. That's when Mel started vomiting (next to a really cool jet black sport car). Suffice to say it wasn't a pretty sight :p
Anyway, all of us were home - at last.
The End.
I certainly will never recommend eating dinner at that place. My hope of enjoying a delicious dinner in such a place was dashed. "Lamb with Spring Onion" was tasteless. What the..? Did the chef forgotten to add salt? And the lamb meat, probably have been stored for so long cause I almost puke. It tasted decay. The rice? I guess it was scooped from the bottom of the rice cooker.
Akedemi Fantasia Season 5 was on. They have quite a number of tellys so we can watch the nearest to our table. It was the students’ first performance on stage and I will not comment at this time.
After dinner and AF5, my friends were all fired-up to start the karaoke singing sessions specially my sister. Hehe..don't tell her but I do admire her singing a lot. When she sings, everyone paid attention.
Anyway, at exactly 12 midnight, the DJ announced Mel's birthday and everyone sang and wished her happy birthday. She was quite happy but I was a conscious of the stares coming from around the pub. Soon after, our cozy little feminine group was interrupted by this one 'merry, USS cap wearing and bespectacled chap'. He came to our table, introduced himself as Julius, made a toast to our Mel, and the rounds kept coming and coming. Aiyaa.. poor Mel, she had to finish all the drinks that this man gave her.
Fortunately, we attempted and succeeded in leaving the pub. We had to stop at a coffee corner for a drink. That's when Mel started vomiting (next to a really cool jet black sport car). Suffice to say it wasn't a pretty sight :p
Anyway, all of us were home - at last.
The End.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Level 3 - Car Workshop: Completed
Welcome back Monday….
Aduiii… I’m still having this dizzy spell.
Sunday, 4 March 2007: Gracy and I spent the whole morning at a car workshop watching a video about parts of a Proton Iswara hosted by a once famous badminton player, Razif Sidek. Afterwards, a technician demonstrated how to change a flat tyre and had all of us do the exercise ourselves. It was great fun and not as hard as I thought hehe….
In the afternoon, Harry, our tutor gave us a lesson on steering wheel control. I let Gracy go first. By the time she finishes, I was already feeling tired and suffered a slight headache due to the initial exposure to the warm sunny day then a blast of air-conditioning inside the car. I did however, tried my best to show enthusiasm. Fortunately, holding the steering wheel and doing the “push and pull” technique came naturally to me thanks to watching a lot of people drive and playing that exciting racing game at the arcade..hehe :p
Gracy and I are now waiting for our ‘L’ licence to come out from JPJ. After that, we’ll be spending some 8 hours of driving lessons.
Aduiii… I’m still having this dizzy spell.
Sunday, 4 March 2007: Gracy and I spent the whole morning at a car workshop watching a video about parts of a Proton Iswara hosted by a once famous badminton player, Razif Sidek. Afterwards, a technician demonstrated how to change a flat tyre and had all of us do the exercise ourselves. It was great fun and not as hard as I thought hehe….
In the afternoon, Harry, our tutor gave us a lesson on steering wheel control. I let Gracy go first. By the time she finishes, I was already feeling tired and suffered a slight headache due to the initial exposure to the warm sunny day then a blast of air-conditioning inside the car. I did however, tried my best to show enthusiasm. Fortunately, holding the steering wheel and doing the “push and pull” technique came naturally to me thanks to watching a lot of people drive and playing that exciting racing game at the arcade..hehe :p
Gracy and I are now waiting for our ‘L’ licence to come out from JPJ. After that, we’ll be spending some 8 hours of driving lessons.
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