Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Making Sense of Clutch, Brake and Oil Pedals :p

I’m still reeling with glee since Sunday hehehe :D It was the first time that I drove a car home from Khidmat Memandu Kinabalu (KMK) located in Jalan Mahandoi, Penampang, through Kolombong area, then Likas to my house. I think I passed about 5 traffic lights along the way. Woww.. Good job!

My steering control has improved nicely but I still need more work on the gears and pedals. I find stopping on top and starting to move downwards on a man-made hill a bit challenging. I still can’t get a good grasp on the clutch and oil pedals.

My boyfriend warned me that there's a difference between driving a real car and racing a car in an arcade game. Hehehe.. No wonder la I kept crashing the poor car – I keep on forgetting to step on the brake. My foot was rooted on the oil pedal like crazy :p Arcade games – Speed matters!

Anyway, it’s great that Expertvillage.com has a video that I can watch and learn during working days:


Cant's wait for the next driving lesson :)

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