On few occasions, I had felt a very cold freezing “hand” stroked my forehead whenever I felt sad. It made me felt better and calm and I knew it was my late mom’s soul.
Unfortunately I did not inherit the gift of dream like my late mom had. In my 41 years of living, I do not recall having many dreams. My sisters on the other hand are blessed with this gift. There was that time when there was a rotten fish guts smell at home. The smell was unbearable and lasted several days. I asked my sister, Nancy whether she smelled it too. She said no; but told me that she’d a dream about being with my late mom at a feast. She described that there were many ‘people’ there and that there were lots of food served on a long table but when she looked closer, all the food were of fish dish. Fortunately she woke up before taking a bite of those food. I knew then that that was the source of the smell in the house. Fish was my late mom’s favourite food. Growing up, I’ve enjoyed tagging along going on many fishing trips with her.
And then there was this really weird dream my other sister, Marina told me. She dreamt that my late mom came to visit her and her children. She was telling my sister that she’s fine except for a time when the maggots were disturbing her. “But they’ve moved away now,” she told her, “to that goat corpse”. With that she pointed to a white carcass with no skin not far away from her according to my sister. When it was time to go, she vanished through a pillow that was laying on the floor of her bedroom. My sister felt so disturbed by that dream that she and I went back to our village to visit my mom’s grave on 2nd October 2010.
Here are pictures that I believe to be Orbs of my late mom. Lord, father may you grant her peace. Amen.

interesting story :)
thanks teddy for visiting my blog :)
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