Friday, December 28, 2007

Rounding-Up For Year 2007 (Part 2)

22 December 2007: The Family Sogit
Accompanied my sister back to our kampung in Kota Belud. These days, I am very concerned about her driving alone in her condition. She is now about four months pregnant with her first baby. A “Sogit” is sort of a customary penalty award for breaking a native law. In her case was for prolonging her marriage (not by choice but due to financial matter) and she was required to slaughter a cow and invite villagers for a feast.

What was fun for me was she allowed me to drive her car from Salut to Tenghilan…yeayy. And to add to my first try at long distance driving adventure, rain was pouring heavily along the way. She laughed at me for sweating the driver’s car seat after she took over the wheels hehe.

Our family did the Sogit on 23 December 2007.

24 December 2007: Touched By A Ghost
Yep. That’s right. I kid you not. A ghost touched me on my left feet. Luckily I was covered in blankets so I did not feel the cold hands. At first, I was sleeping on my sides but decided to turn my body and faced up. That is when I felt it. I was not able to move a muscle or utter a word. I seem to be able to ‘see’ my sister who was sleeping next to me but I was not able to call out to her. I prayed and the hand left my feet and everything was normal again.

Early in the morning, my mother, father, grandmother, sister and I went to visit my uncle, Kualah. He lives in Tambulion and has ranch rearing cows and horses. My mother wanted to pay him for the cow he had sold to us for the Sogit but unfortunately he was not at home. Anyway, we had a great time coming over there and gotten to know his daughter-in-law, Julia (she’s an Iban) and her children.

Later at about 2.30 pm, we went to my uncle Saran’s house for his “Rumah Terbuka”. Mmm..banyak ikan telapia. He rears the Telapias himself in his big pond at the back of the house. He is expecting a menantu soon, a Kelabit girl from Sarawak. The girl’s family drove to his house all the way from Sarawak. Nice people.

25 December 2007: Christmas Day
Christmas prayer at church then more Open Houses. Looks like this year, many of my relatives are in this “Rumah Terbuka” concept. Hmm..unfortunately, I only have one stomach and was not able to go to all of them and I have to return to KK because I have to work on 26th Dec, bummer..

But seeing my abang means the world to me. He took the time from his super busy schedule of touring Sabah’s tourist attractions to come and visit me and brought me food.. yeayy. Mmmuah! Thanks abang :-)

28 December 2007: I Finally Got My “P” Driving License
I know.. I know.. “P” is for Palui (meaning dumb). I will be a “palui” driver for 2 years but I am so happy because I finally got my driving license and fulfilled my mission of achieving one significant thing this year hehehe. Congratulations to me and Gracy.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Rounding-Up For Year 2007

Here are some pictures taken towards the end of Year 2007:

17 November 2007: My youngest sister's Engagement
Like friends from West Malaysia say "Penat gile!". Most definitely. My first time try at cooking for between 40 to 50 guests on RM300 budget. It was not as easy as I thought. I was not able to taste anything after the first recipe! :P Thank God everything went well. My inspiration came from Astro's Channel 703 or AFC cooking channel and of course Chef Gordon Ramsey's Hell Kitchen. Hehe..nothing fancy, just Chinese food.

20 December 2007: Family Trip to Lok Kawi Wildlife Park
This was during Aidil Adha holiday. My eldest brother and his family came down from Lahad Datu to Kota Belud. They decided to come to Kota Kinabalu to spend sometime touring so Marina and I brought them to the newly opened animal park. We had a great time there. Can't believe how big they've grown and how cute. The youngest, Everlyn, look a lot like Chinese. Must be from my great grandfather's side. She likes to watch Tom Tom Bak and sing Ultraman Tiga's theme song hehe.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Cuppy Cake Song

You’re my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You’re my Sweetie Pie
You’re my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You’re the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I’ll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

Single balik?

Saya single balik ka?
Sentiasa menunggu panggilan pon saja..
Ari-ari nda ada mesej dari bf.
Masa tengah sibuk, berhenti, terfikir.. eh? Apa yang saya tunggu ni?
Agaknya saya sudah nda ada dalam masa ini, masa esok dan masa
hadapan abang.
Tak suka diperlakukan begini.
Sangat tak suka.. Bila dah tak suka, dah tiba masa untuk mencari lagi.
Takda faedah membazir masa.

Friday, October 05, 2007

I am doomed

I am very depress right now. It has been long hours of work, rude boss and yapping workmate. I have no means of escaping this daily routine. I have people around me yet I feel so alone. I thought I have someone but I don't. Most of the time I am neglected and I simply have to be content by myself. I lost my creativity so being by myself is super boring. Add to the fact that I am not married, don't have kids, don't have my own family, I simply don't have a life like most people and am going to run out of time. I am doomed. So, basically that's my life right now. The end.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Something Cool..

As of today 20th September 2007, I have lived 13,915 days or 1987 weeks and 6 days on an island called North Borneo, Planet Earth. Ain't it cool? hehehe..

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sandakan Dan Selsema Teruk

Woww…lamanya tak update blog ni. Sudah ada sarang labah-labah dan berhabuk. Sekarang nak update tapi kena back-track sikit laa.

April 2007 dan Mei 2007

Bulan April best sebab dapat pergi fam trip ke Bukit Malapi Lodge, Kampung Sukau, Kinabatangan, Sandakan. Ada kelainan dari resort yang lama yang didirikan atas tanah rata which unfortunately ada time kena banjir oleh Sungai Kinabatangan. This time around, my boss decided to build on top of a hill. Yup, atas Bukit Malapi. Ikut cerita, di sanalah seorang pejuang menentang Inggeris dikebumikan. Nama dia Pangiran Samah yang bertegas tidak akan melepaskan hak memungut sarang Burung Layang Layang kepada pihak Inggeris. Malam pertama susah nak tido sebab ada seorang tourist guide yang cuba menakut-nakutkan kitaorang ngan cite hantu. Second nite lak, tido macam kayu balak hehehe.

Anyways, some pictures to share on the 3-days/2 nights trip. As you can see, sangat enjoy :)

Unfortunately, balik je dari Sandakan, saya kena selsema yang paling teruk dalam hidup saya (rasa-rasanya la. Masa sekolah dulu biasa gak kena selsema tiap bulan specially dekat time exam. Kesat idung sampai luka ngan sapu tangan). Ntah apa jenis virus selsema kali ni sampai empat minggu baru baik. Dah la tu, lepas baik ja, opismate lak kena seorang demi seorang macam alien invasion.

Satu perkara penting yang saya lupa masa hampir nak sembuh, ialah virus influenza ni pandai mutate. Actually I remembered reading it somewhere tapi pas baik saja dari flu attack yang pertama, tidak terus basuh all my infected pillow covers, bedsheet and blanket sebab badan masi lemah masa tu. Nah.. kau.. jadi la 2nd attack tu. Shandii betul. It was the pits of my life.

Anyway, now that I am well, I don’t plan to get sick sometime soon so ari-ari kena lah telan multi-vitamin.

Jun 2007

Just busy as usual. Opismate bagi kabar yang dia kuarkan wang dalam KWSP Akaun II untuk cover monthly installment dia. Aik?? Napa tak terus bayar Principal? Hmm…rasanya dah time saya reassess financial saya plak memandangkan ada peluang untuk mengurangkan tempoh pinjaman perumahan. Tapi saya nak exhaust suma information dulu baru buat keputusan yang terbaik. Tengah fikir ni tapi kena cepat, tu yang kusut sangat :p
to be continued....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mutiny! Chaos!

Finally, mutiny in the Perodua Kancil! In our desperate attempt to grasp all at once whatever la the driving tutor was trying to teach us, we finally have had enough! Guess we finally got so bored going round and round the same route with our tutor yakking next to us and partly because we were sleepy and lethargic after the afternoon drizzle. Too bad we don’t have a pirate’s sword to poke him with and make him jump overboard hehehe :D

Maybe the tutor sensed our need for independence, thus he let Gracy and I do a couple of rounds in the training center on our own instead. It felt great to be able to decide what’s your next move on your own for a change. Exciting and scary at the same time too (nearly ran over another student hehe..)

Monday was chaotic until I over exasperated myself. Arrgh! At some point, felt like having an ulcer attack and vomit blood. Thank God my colleague casually conveyed these words to me in Kadazan i.e. “Patatapon nopo do ginavo”. It’s meaning is something like “Just take it easy” and I relaxed. God bless him :) Ya kan... Why do I have to overstress myself with work? I can and I did finish my work today.

In my “mad” hour, who becomes “road kill”? Well, my boyfriend la of course hehe. Poor darling..

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mari Menari Tarian Pocho Pocho :D

Haa.. Ini la tarian Pocho Pocho yang kita buat masa farewell party untuk student praktical dari UiTM yang nama dia Ediwanto aritu. Dia ni memang pandai menari and dia la jadi guru tari kitaorang yang kaki bangku kat opis hehe.. Tarian ni asal dari Papua dan Ambon, Indonesia.

(Disclaimer: Pihak saya tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas kecederaan yang bakal anda alami dalam percubaan anda untuk menari tarian ini. Hehehehe.. Ok la, enjoy :D )

I just like this happy painting :)

Suami Kawan Baik Mama

My best friend citer hal dia suami isteri ari ni. Dia kata, ada satu masa, dia tengah memarahi anak dia sebab tak buat kerja sekolah. Tau la kan kalau orang pompuan, kalau time marah asyik ulang-ulang cakap yang sama. Masa tu suami dia tengah syok tengok tv kat ruang tamu. Program yang paling dia suka, sukan golf.

Masa dia tengah hot hot marah anak dia, tengah volume suara nak naik dan makin naik, tiba-tiba suami dia perlahan-lahan bangun dan mematikan television dan duduk balik kat sofa. Tindakan suami tu membuat kawan mama tersedar dan terus berhenti memarahi anak dia. Nampaknya suami dia memahami situasi dia sampai sanggup tak tengok sukan golf..

Bijak tindakan suami tu sebab dapat menyejukkan kemarahan dan situasi tegang masa tu. Rasanya, kalau laki lain dah berteriak suh diam :p.

Mama respect la husband dia. They have been married for many years. My friend is indeed a very lucky woman :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nostalgia 1987

Masa selongkar laci, terjumpa gambar ni. Gambar masa umur somewhere antara 14 to 18 years old. Gambar lama lekat pada typing certificate in 1987. Wah.. dah lama rupanya tinggalkan my teenage years. Yup, my signature face that time - muka selamba hehehe..

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Back Blogging...

Sunday was pretty good. My driving skill has improved (at least that’s what I feel la.. hehe). My eyes, brains, hands and feet now seemed coordinated and know what they should do and where they should be whilst on the road. Where I am supposed to look – that’s another problem. When my instructor says, “Look over your right. See if any car is coming”. I tend to have this panic attack and have my eyes looking all over the place. Macam juling saja :p. Luckily, the instructor helped me to watch traffic.

I realized that the only thing that is preventing my progress, other than the current unusual warm weather, is myself. Surprise kan? Believe me, I am my worst enemy. I am a very impatient person. I want to impress myself that I am a fast learner. This trait also makes me bore easily. I’m glad that Gracy and I took driving lessons together.

Busy Monday as usual. Started making preparation for Ediwanto’s farewell party on Wednesday. He is our UiTM practical student who has become a dear friend to all of us for 6 months. Going to miss having him around the office.

My boss acted pretty weird. Stressed about seeing our company lawyer maybe? My colleague joked that he is having his menopause. Hehehe.. funny.

Ya.. he was stressed a lot. He announced that I was to go with him to see the lawyer. I said, “Errmm.. but sir, don’t you think that it would be better if the accounts personnel came too? I don’t really know about this matter.” He frowned and scolded me accusing me of being timid in meeting people. I told him, “I am not declining to go see the lawyer with you, but don’t you think that our accounts personnel would be able to answer their questions about the money that the debtor owed us? I am just in the admin side. “ To which he replied suppressing his irritation, “Why you worry? I will be there to answer them.” Sure enough, I was right. He wasn’t able to provide answers to some of the lawyer’s questions. But luckily, at the last minute before leaving the office, he changed his mind and asked that I bring along the head of the accounts department. Sometime I don’t understand him la…

Farewell party for Ediwanto. We ate KFC’s finger-linkin’ good chicken and danced the Poncho Poncho dance. This song can get you addicted like the Macarena hehee.. We had a great time.

This evening:
Having some thoughts about the “scars” in my life. Once in a while, I do have flashback of all the things that had happened to me but I just want to state here that I have never looked back and regretted any of them. It shaped the person who I am now. And I like the person that I turned out – a person of essence.

Nevertheless, I still have these words at the back of my mind, “Nothing good last forever”. It’s the opposite of “Happily-ever-after”. I don’t remember where and when I picked-up this line but time and time again, it seemed to have proven true. *Sigh*. I hope God will prove me wrong. I hope that I am a contented person towards the end of my life.

Cheers, good night everyone :)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Wat Papa baca bila dah balik nanti.. :)

Baru sedar sudah 8 hari Papa kat kampung sejak balik ari Jumaat, 23 Mac 2007. Sian nenek Papa demam. Pas jumpa doktor baru dapat tau, nenek tu sakit demam denggi. Tapi nasib baik la bawa gi jumpa doktor, dapat kesan and dapat bagi ubat yang sesuai. Semalam dah kuar hospital. Maybe macam yang Papa cakap, antibodi orang lama dapat lawan sakit tu dgn baik.

Papa pun dari sebelum balik sudah sakit migrain. Ntah la, Mama cukup risau ngan sakit pala papa yang baru-baru ni macam kronik tul. Pastu sampai kampung, demam pla. Tapi nasib baik kat kampung at least ada mak Papa jaga. Kalau kt KL, ntah la macamana.

Time Mama tak dapat mesej Papa memang cukup risau. Boleh fikir yang macam-macam. Negatif+negatif+negatif... Tapi bila ingat Papa pernah cakap Mama slalu berfikiran (-), Mama buat-buat fikir benda lain :p.

Lusa Mama blaja driving lagi. Gracy tak jadi balik kampung sebab hubby dia lum balik dari outstation. Untuk malam ni dan besok, mama nak rehat cukup-cukup. Ok, here's a list of tv programs I like at the moment (in random order):

1. House Invaders (my most favourite)
2. Fashion House (citer gete, banyak scandal, lakonan tidak natural, tapi boleh la)
3. American Next Top Model
4. American Idol (suka tengok Blake, Sanjaya, Jordin, Christ and Melinda)
5. Meerkat Manor (...soooo cute hehehe)
6. AF5 (terpaksa tengok sebab ada Murni, kwn adik datang umah nak tengok AF5 ni saja :p)
7. CSI (kadang-kadang kalau bagus citer)
8. Most Haunted (I like a bit of a scare muahahahaha!)
9. Miami Animal Police (polis khas untuk protect animal rights - tabik! Miami)
10. Princess Hours (citer Korea budak-budak beringus hehe. Erm, tapi romantik)

Buat masa ni, asyik tengok tv ja. Jahit kain dah lama tinggal. Nak cuba buat aktiviti lain pla, maybe melukis ngan pensil. Nak cuba buat paparan kat blog ni. We'll see..

K, time to go Papa. My stomach dah berkeroncong. Mmmuah!! Love you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Making Sense of Clutch, Brake and Oil Pedals :p

I’m still reeling with glee since Sunday hehehe :D It was the first time that I drove a car home from Khidmat Memandu Kinabalu (KMK) located in Jalan Mahandoi, Penampang, through Kolombong area, then Likas to my house. I think I passed about 5 traffic lights along the way. Woww.. Good job!

My steering control has improved nicely but I still need more work on the gears and pedals. I find stopping on top and starting to move downwards on a man-made hill a bit challenging. I still can’t get a good grasp on the clutch and oil pedals.

My boyfriend warned me that there's a difference between driving a real car and racing a car in an arcade game. Hehehe.. No wonder la I kept crashing the poor car – I keep on forgetting to step on the brake. My foot was rooted on the oil pedal like crazy :p Arcade games – Speed matters!

Anyway, it’s great that has a video that I can watch and learn during working days:

Cant's wait for the next driving lesson :)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Picture Therapy

Caught this little rainbow sneaking in my house :D

Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu, Chinese New Year 2007

My first woodworking set. Unfortunately of sad quality. Good for carving soaps only :p

A kampung frog. He catches mosquitoes for dinner. Little hero :)

Someone's up there, picking coconut fruit..

Hehe.. See what I mean?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Definisi "Stupid Men" Untuk Hari Ini

Orang-orang lelaki yang tidak tahu menghargai teman wanita mereka. Membuat peraturan-peraturan yang perlu diikuti oleh teman wanita mereka tetapi mereka sendiri mengabaikannya. Ini yang dikatakan sebagai Double Standard (buat peraturan yang sendiri tidak ikut). Lepas itu, bila teman wanita mereka mengamuk, mereka terpaksa bersusah payah mencari alasan mengapa dan kenapa sedangkan perkara seumpama ini boleh dielak dengan mudah iaitu dengan mematuhi peraturan mereka sendiri.

Contoh peraturan: Beritahu mereka bila nak pergi pejabat, dah sampai pejabat ke belum, nak keluar makan, nak jalan-jalan dengan siapa, pukul berapa balik, jangan bermesej dengan orang lelaki lain, kena beri ciuman selamat pagi dan selamat malam dan sebagainya.

"Suatu ketika dulu, dia menyatakan bahawa dia akan menjadi yang terbaik dalam hidup kita membuatkan kita mau menjadi yang terbaik untuk dia. Tapi mungkin dia telah melupai janjinya itu."

“Dah sedih mestilah teman wanita mengamuk dan merajuk sebab kalau takda reaksi langsung, sok lusah dah dengan orang lain. Dah terhantuk baru terngadah. Fikir-fikirkan lah."

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mel's Birthday Celebration: Sat, 17 March 2007

How come this time they let us (my sister Mar and I) broke our reigning "Always One Hour Late" record? Hehehe.. they've purposely lead us to believe that the birthday party would start promptly at 7.30 pm at Moretune (karaoke pub). But to our dismay, they arrived an hour and a half later :p.

I certainly will never recommend eating dinner at that place. My hope of enjoying a delicious dinner in such a place was dashed. "Lamb with Spring Onion" was tasteless. What the..? Did the chef forgotten to add salt? And the lamb meat, probably have been stored for so long cause I almost puke. It tasted decay. The rice? I guess it was scooped from the bottom of the rice cooker.

Akedemi Fantasia Season 5 was on. They have quite a number of tellys so we can watch the nearest to our table. It was the students’ first performance on stage and I will not comment at this time.

After dinner and AF5, my friends were all fired-up to start the karaoke singing sessions specially my sister. Hehe..don't tell her but I do admire her singing a lot. When she sings, everyone paid attention.

Anyway, at exactly 12 midnight, the DJ announced Mel's birthday and everyone sang and wished her happy birthday. She was quite happy but I was a conscious of the stares coming from around the pub. Soon after, our cozy little feminine group was interrupted by this one 'merry, USS cap wearing and bespectacled chap'. He came to our table, introduced himself as Julius, made a toast to our Mel, and the rounds kept coming and coming. Aiyaa.. poor Mel, she had to finish all the drinks that this man gave her.

Fortunately, we attempted and succeeded in leaving the pub. We had to stop at a coffee corner for a drink. That's when Mel started vomiting (next to a really cool jet black sport car). Suffice to say it wasn't a pretty sight :p

Anyway, all of us were home - at last.

The End.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Level 3 - Car Workshop: Completed

Welcome back Monday….
Aduiii… I’m still having this dizzy spell.

Sunday, 4 March 2007: Gracy and I spent the whole morning at a car workshop watching a video about parts of a Proton Iswara hosted by a once famous badminton player, Razif Sidek. Afterwards, a technician demonstrated how to change a flat tyre and had all of us do the exercise ourselves. It was great fun and not as hard as I thought hehe….

In the afternoon, Harry, our tutor gave us a lesson on steering wheel control. I let Gracy go first. By the time she finishes, I was already feeling tired and suffered a slight headache due to the initial exposure to the warm sunny day then a blast of air-conditioning inside the car. I did however, tried my best to show enthusiasm. Fortunately, holding the steering wheel and doing the “push and pull” technique came naturally to me thanks to watching a lot of people drive and playing that exciting racing game at the arcade..hehe :p

Gracy and I are now waiting for our ‘L’ licence to come out from JPJ. After that, we’ll be spending some 8 hours of driving lessons.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Papa's 2D/1N Fireflies Trip to Kuala Selangor

Hmm.. bestnya kalau dapat join papa gi tengok kelip-kelip kat Kuala Selangor. Tengok gambar ni, cantik betul.

Monday, February 26, 2007

God Bless the Man I love

"Papa pun...kan bagus kalau papa ada ngan mama time camni...time mama sedang blaja kenal sesuatu yang baru dalam hidup mama...." 12:00am, 27 Feb 2007.

These words are to me.. (who has lived for so long as a single, independent child-woman-tomboy-never want-to-grow-up person), are the MOST BEAUTIFUL and MEANINGFUL and THOUGHTFUL words from a man. And I feel really blessed to be loved by him :)

Level 2 - Completed

Wuhuu! Hehehe.... I passed my JPJ Computer Test with a 92% score on 24th February 2007. Yep, darn proud of myself. Next would be a full day at KMK Car Workshop on 4th March.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

How to Make a Million Ringgit (..well at least almost :p)

"If you wait to save out of what's left over from your salary, it's not going to happen. Pay yourself first."

- Neil McCarthy, Millionaire Investor.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Berkasih Sayang :-)

Building A Lifelong Love Affair
by T. W. Winslow

Recently I received a letter from a young man who had been married only a few years. He was seeking advice for what to do with a marriage which had seemingly lost the spark and excitement it once had. He was finding his marriage dull and routine, and was looking for an excuse to seek fulfillment elsewhere. This young man's dilemma is certainly not unique. Just look at the staggering divorce rates in this country if you don't believe me. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem.

My advice to this young man was the same as it is for all others experiencing similar difficulties in their relationships. Relationships are like anything else, the more time and effort we put into them, the more successful they will be. If our marriages and other relationships seem unsatisfying, we must first look at what we are putting into these relationships, rather than what we're getting out of them. We can't expect more from a relationship than we're willing to put into it.

When we're first courting, our infatuation with the other person leads us to be romantic and prone to outward signs of affection. We write love letters, spend hours talking about our deepest feelings and thoughts, we hold hands in public, and say sweet things for no reason, etc. Unfortunately, as the relationship continues and we begin to focus more on other things and less on our partner, the relationship loses its initial spark and we begin to feel a loss of love, intimacy and excitement. This doesn't mean our love is fading or the relationship has less to offer, it simply means we've forgotten to keep the love alive.

We all can recapture the excitement, love, and intimacy our relationships once had, and without a major overhaul. Simply putting forth a little effort each day can make all the difference in the world. When was the last time you woke up, turned to your partner and told them you loved them? Or called them at the office for no other reason than to say you missed them? If you need ideas, just think back to the things you did when you were first dating. It won't take long for your partner to notice your renewed affection, and suddenly you'll find them returning these gestures of love. Soon the relationship you once questioned will have taken on a whole new sense of fulfillment, love, and intimacy.

We all can have a lifelong love affair with our partners, we simply need to remember to put into the relationship what we want out of it.

Pagi Yang Mengelirukan...

6.45 am....Tepon wat ‘wake-up’ call. No answer.
................Call again – No answer gak.
7.00 am....Call again. Terus masuk mesej.
7.30 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
8.20 am....Anta mesej. No reply.
10:44am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:27am....Anta mesej. No reply.
11:36am....Baru dapat phone call.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Our Little MySpace "Battle"

Emperor Papa:
Wants to occupy Empress Mama’s MySpace because he believes that the two countries should unite.

Empress Mama:
Thinks that Emperor Papa doesn’t trust Empress Mama as the ruler of Myspace Empire.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Belajar Memandu

Waa… cantiknya hari ini. Teringin merasa kehangatan matahari pada kulit Nia yang sekarang sedang didakap air-con sejuk dalam pejabat. Waa.. bestnya kalau dapat bersiar-siar kat luar pagi ni.

Arini tak dapat mesej dari orang yang tersayang. Sebabnya, handphong terkunci dalam loker :P Hehehe… rasa lucu lak Nia ‘imagine’ handphone tu mogok dan kurung diri dalam loker. (Takpa la sayang, unexpected things happen. So, nampaknya weekend mama akan jadi sepi tanpa mesej papa).

Tadi dah confirm dengan Mr Harry tempat dan masa untuk jemput Nia ngan Gracy. Dah tiba masanya blaja memandu keta. That’s my goal for this year. Actually it’s good to have a goal for every year so that year would not pass without any significance. Anyway, would you believe kos blaja keta skang dah sampai RM 1,080.00?? Incredible right? My old friend kata dulu dia cuma spend RM 450.00. Hmm... kalau tunggu lagi, tak mampu la Nia :P.

The breakdown is:

RM 200.00 – Ceramah
RM 50.00 – Komputer
RM 210.00 – Bengkel
RM 45.00 – Lesen L
RM 280.00 – 8 Jam Belajar
RM 70.00 – Pra-ujian
RM 150.00 – Test JPJ
RM 75.00 – Lulus ‘P’

K la, time to go 'mansau ansau' (jalan-jalan). Have a good and blessed weekend :-)


Mama terbaca petua ni...

Penawar Resdung:

Petua yang paling mudah dan berkesan ialah dengan mengamalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung (seperti sebelum kita ber wuduk). Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan hembuskan sekuat hati. Buatlah berulang-ulang kali sehingga selesai kedua-duanya. Selepas itu basuhlah muka dengan bersih. Lakukan ini setiap kali setelah sampai ke satu-satu destinasi, baik ke pejabat, bersantai, beriadah atau pulang ke rumah malah ke mana saja. Kesannya sungguh menakjubkan.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bila April - Fazley

Bila April tiba
Hati mula berkata
Setahun lamanya
Perkenalan kita
Ku tanya padamu
Kapankah hatimu
Akan ku miliki
Selama abadi

Di April yang itu
Kau katakan padaku
Sabarlah menanti
Takkan lama lagi
Kau senyum bermakna
Padaku kau pinta
Berikanlah oh waktu
Kenalilah dirimu

Bila bila April
Aku menantimu, aku menantimu
Dan bila April, bila April
Dapatku pastikan, cintaku ini
Dan bila, bila April
Bibirku pasti akan bertanya
Kapankah kau milik ku..

can't wait papa, Mmmuah! :)

Servis Keta

Pagi Khamis..

Kuar ngn adik nk gi servis keta. Singgah punch card @ opis jap.

Workshop keta dkt Petronas lum buka. Swing g bfast kt
kedai makan dkt Arkib.

Balik g workshop. Lepak tgok mekanik tukar oil filter (RM10) n
buang minyak itam. Masuk minyak baru (RM44), tuka aircon
filter yg baru (RM20), labour charge (RM10).
Suma = RM84.

Balik opis.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Loan, Hairs and Babies

So far this week…

My loan was rejected (shows how much the company loves me – Not!) Oh well...never mind I won’t sulk, it was a long shot anyway.

I finally summed up the nerve and had my hair cut shoulder length and straightened at Sister Scissors. Finally I am rid of my messy long hair. Cost me a bomb but considering my “frequency” to the hair salon, well, you can say that it’s worth it and I gave myself a pat on the shoulder for not succumbing to the words of the hair stylist in getting me to buy her expensive hair products.

Then, another desperate mother offered me to adopt her unborn baby.
Me:...... ‘Owh, sorry.. I didn’t realise that you’re pregnant. When’s the baby due?’
Lady:... ‘The baby is due in March. Would like to have it?’
Me:....... (In a state of bewilderment…)

Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to have one, I’m not yet married so I can't imagine myself raising a child alone. This was the second time I was offered a child by their mother. The first time was of a 3 year-old baby girl at a bus stop stand.

I am saddened and feel for these mothers. They are not bad mothers. On the contrary, they are good mothers as their action showed that they do care about the future of their children. These mothers are uneducated and depended heavily on their husband as sole breadwinner. Unfortunately in order to please their husbands, they allowed themselves to be a ‘baby factory’ by not practising family planning. The frail woman has delivered eight babies and she is only in her 20’s.

I am pleased to write that I have found a suitable couple for the baby. Hope things go well and hopefully I won't regret not taking any of these adoption offers in future.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

K.I.V. Reading

If your Lucky Element is Wood:
The February of 2007 is Male Water Tiger month . Male Water and Female Fire of Red Pig Year have Stem Attraction Relationships into Wood. Tiger and Pig have Branch Attraction Relationships into Wood. That means February Tiger month is a very strong Wood month. People with Lucky Element Wood should have very good luck in this Male Water Tiger month, which is from 4-Feb-2007 to 5-March-2007.

The 10-Feb-2007 is a Female Wooden Pig Day . Pig has the Branch Attraction Relationship with Monthly Tiger into Wood. 10-Feb-2007 is a strong Wood Day. Therefore, this day must be very good for Lucky Element Wood people, especially in connecting with people, love or business relationships. If Wood is the Money Star, then people can try their money luck. If Wood is the Career Star, then a good job opportunity will happen. If Wood is the Fame Star, then people will gain reputation on this day.

If your Lucky Element is Fire:
The July of 2007 is a Female Fire Sheep Month . 20-July-2007 is a Female Wooden Rabbit day. 01-Aug-2007 is a Female Fire Rabbit day. Rabbit contains only Wood. When Rabbit meets Sheep Month and Pig Year, they form a even stronger Wood. Wood can help Female Fire Month and Fire Year to burn. So Year, Month and Day together bring in a strong Fire.

People with Lucky element Fire cannot stop the luck coming on 20-July-2007 and 01-Aug-2007, they should have very good relationship in romance, business and people. If Fire is the Money Star, then money will easily come to them. If Fire is the Career Star, then they will have new job responsibility. If Wood is the Fame Star, then they will get famous on these days.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Kapok For My Pillow

Khas wat papa yang lum pernah tengok Pokok Kapok hehe..

Belated New Year Greeting :p

"Health makes all things possible. Wealth makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all three in 2007! Year of the Fire Boar. HAPPY NEW YEAR!"