Friday, May 23, 2008

Drive Safe

Just read that sitting behind the steering wheel is the most dangerous place in the world. Really? *Gulp! * . That thought never came to my mind before. Not when I took up driving lessons last year. Owh my Gowd!! Starting to miss being driven around by chauffeurs (bus driver hehehe..) Too late. Now I am my pregnant sister’s full time driver. I still haven’t got the hang of driving. Still doing silly mistakes like shifting to the wrong gear (that happened at a traffic stop. I was supposed to shift to one but instead it was on three. But that one time only la). Recently, a taxi suddenly changed lane in front of me without signaling. I was so stunned my hand stopped at neutral. Luckily I managed to recover and put the car back in gear. Palis, palis. I hope I can elude getting into anything nasty, long enough to gain more wisdom in driving. Drive safe abg :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks dear...syg pn sama,ati2 drive,jgn mudah panik,mama boleh :)