Friday, November 03, 2006

Be Fair (Bersikap Adil)

Today I am writing this to remind myself never to treat new person who comes into my life as having the same trait as people whom I’ve met in the past. I hereby acknowledge that I am overly suspicious of people. Hmm…what’s the right word for it? I am PARANOID! Ya…. That is it. Here’s the wonderful definition of that interesting word hehe..


(Med.) Affected with paranoia; as, a paranoid schizophrenic.

Suffering from delusions of being persecuted by the conspiratorial actions of others; having an unwarranted suspicion of the motives of others; - used loosely in a negative sense, not as a medical term; as, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

I’m not sure if Malay or my native language, the Dusun Tindal has a word for it. I have never came across this word in both languages. The closest I can recall is “sukar untuk mempercayai” or “Ou do milo tungkayanon”. In my country, if a person becomes overly suspicious of others, they are just teased as “penakut” or timid. Err.. sometime the word “gila” or crazy will be uttered depending on the occasion hehe..

Yes, from now on I have to be fair and give newcomers the benefit of doubt.

Bie, if you’re reading this, I am truly sorry and ashamed for what happened the other day. Hope you’ll forgive me. Thanks for the heavy verbal whoopin’ that I deserved and for accepting me as who I am, not afraid to fine-tune me a bit hehe… and for your patience and love.. aiseyy.. :p


Anonymous said...

mama....bie sikit pn tak marah kat mama..malah papa makin syg,sbb mama ada sikap tolak ansur dan boleh menerima teguran..
love u mama :)

Nia said...

hai nik
he is my future hubby.
hopefully la.. hehe :p

Anonymous said...

in malay pn ada nia...
"takut kan bayang2 sendiri"
hehe....lebih kurang la tu kot

Nia said...

nike! goodness!
ur a malay rupa nya.. hehe :p
aisey.. make me embarassed la.
ya.. ngam. that's right, "
takut kan bayang2 sendiri".
pandai awk. thanks :D