Thursday, November 09, 2006

What My Boyfriend's Birthday Says About Him :p

Hehe.. sayang, remember that I love you k... ehe :D

The general description about this person is talented, persistent, nourishing, supportive, sacrificing, mild, observing and detail-minded.

One word for people born in this month is prudent.

These people appear to be easy going and behave in a mild manner. They are often generous and sympathetic to other people. This type of person can be very friendly and convincing; they often persuade people to believe that they have unique qualities and knowledge that others do not have. They are very prudent and detail- oriented. They have necessary patience and faith to accomplish their goals, which require extensive time to accomplish. They are very sensitive and can be easily hurt. When they become emotionally involved, they become very jealous and biased. These people tend to be overly cautious and always lose the opportunities to become successful. They are very permissible and easily influence by others. They tend to worry all the time and are very moody. They may suffer silently and are always misjudged by other people. They handle money carefully and accumulate wealth in small increments.


Anonymous said...

apa maksud nya mama?

Nia said...

Maksudnya papa....

Penilaian secara am: orang ini berbakat, tak mudah putus asa, memberikan sokongan, berkorban, tenang, pemerhati dan teliti.

Secara ringkas, orang ini sangat berpandangan jauh (teliti).

Papa digambarkan sebagai seorang yg tenang, penderma, baik hati dan bersimpati dgn org. Sangat ramah dan menyakinkan. Boleh meyakinkan org untuk percaya yang papa mempunyai kualiti yang unik dan pengetahuan yang tidak ada pada org lain. Sangat teliti dan mempunyai kesabaran tinggi dan percaya boleh mencapai matlamat sekalipun memerlukan masa yg agak lama untuk dicapai. Sangat sensitif dan mudah terluka.. :P. Bila melibatkan perasaan, mereka menjadi sgt cemburu dan berat sebelah.. :P. Mereka terlalu berhati-hati sehingga seringkali kehilangan peluang untuk berjaya. Mereka mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain. Mereka cenderung untuk berasa risau setiap masa dan beremosi. Mereka mungkin akan merana secara diam dan selalu disalah erti oleh org lain. Mereka sangat cermat mengendalikan wang dan akan mengumpul harta sedikit demi sedikit.

Nia said...

wat mr nik ...
tell me your birth date ehehe..

Nia said...

hehe :p

nik digambarkan mempunyai watak berikut..

The general description about this person is opinionated, adventurous, subjective, revolutionary, persistent and forceful.

One word for people born in this month is persistent.

These people are emotional and are easily moved by their feelings. They tend to discriminate clearly between likes and dislikes in their own ways, and they always judge people on the basis of their first impressions. When they are interested in a project, they always concentrate and carry it through. They are very persistent and overly confident on their beliefs. They move intuitively toward their goals and are always rushing into things recklessly. They need to be admired in love and in work. If not, they will experience difficulties in relationships.

Anonymous said...

ai nik....awk pn pgl mam gak?!

Anonymous said...

dh byk ari mama x update blog mama..nape mama?bz sgt ek?