Saturday, November 18, 2006

Gila Kuasa ("Ugly" Inside)

I'm in the position of power Muah!Ha!Ha!Ha! (gila kuasa dah budak ni.. hehe).

Actually I want to ask God for forgiveness for raising my voice to my colleague the other day. Sampai sekarang saya rasa so 'ugly' inside. I don't want to apologise to her, as she deserved to be scolded. She thinks that she can order me to use my power to force other people to do her work. Well think again. Common la madam, mana boleh macam tu. We are all friends ba in this small office. Bukan orang nda mo tolong dia wat kerja tapi dia ni kan terlampau cerewet.

Madam B intercom me, “Ko tinguk ba si Ron tu, ikut diorang pigi minum, tapi bila saya minta dia tolong saya, dia bilang - saya busy. Tapi ada juga masa mo pigi minum”. I noticed that the time was teatime and this Ron had gone down with 2 other staffs.

Me, hands still busy with paperwork, ear on phone intercom: “Ba, ko cakap la sama dia nanti bila dia balik. Tanya kenapa dia ada masa pigi minum tapi nda ada masa mo tolong ko”.

Madam B: “Ko la cakap sama dia. Itu kerja admin”.

Kerja Admin!!?? I blew my top big time. So very angry tau. I told her, “Ko ingat saya bodoh nda tau kerja saya? Pernah saya bagitau ko apa kerja ko?” Just imagine this Madam B is a head of a section herself but was disliked by her subordinates because she pushes most of the work to them. She evens pushes her section’s work to the Secretary. I know this because her subordinates pour their dissatisfactions to me almost everyday. I used to work in that section for many years before she joined the company, and I definitely can do her work. Tapi cuba la kalau dia boleh buat kerja saya wahahaha.. jadi gila maybe :p

Anyway.. dipendekkan cerita. I did confronted Ron the very next day. I sengaja lagi cakap kuat kuat bagi dia dengar. I asked Ron, “Apa ba yang ko nda tolong Si Madam B tu Ron?” Wuiii.. bukan main mengamok lagi si Ron. Abis dia bangkit suma hal lama yang dia pernah tolong Si Madam B ni macam masa dia basah kena hujan sebab tolong Madam B waktu keta rosak and time dia tolong antar makanan pigi sekolah anak Madam B dan banyak lagi la.

Ko tau apa Madam B cakap? “Bukan begitu ba maksud saya Ron….bla..bla..bla..” Sweet sweet lagi. Hmm… betul la dia ni. Takut imej dia buruk tapi memang pun sudah buruk.

Note: Despite her behaviour, we still tolerate her because we still consider her a friend. Hey.. what is life without sugar and spice. Gula dan garam. Cuka dan lada :p

K la… nda mo cakap lagi. Saja saya tulis in Malay arini wat praktis. Tapi maaflah jadi rojak buah pula. Hehe…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

emm...igt kan kes apa la sampai mama leh kuar prktaan tu :p
camtu la mama,kat opis papa pn sama,ada sorang staff yg ala2 pmpn gitu :p
punyer la perangai mengalahkan pompuan,ngumpat,ngata,pastu dtg lmbt tp sebok dok ambik tau hal org lain yg msik lambat...hehe
papa paham cmner perasaan mama masa tu,but u have to be more strong and lebih byk bersabar mama ek...mama gak cakap kat papa ari tu sabar separuh drpd iman:)
love u mama..